By Thabo Peyi

July 19th, 2024

5 min read

We've partnered with 1Voucher to make your paying experience safer and more convenient for you!

What is 1Voucher?

1Voucher is a payment method that allows you to make payments on the RSAWEB shop more easily, securely, and conveniently. 1Vouchers can be purchased at your nearest retailers, such as Shoprite, Checkers, Pep, Ackermans, and Incredible Connections, just to name a few, allowing you to make payments on the go.





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Why use 1Voucher?

  1. Safe and secure payments 
  2. Easily available 
  3. Make payments anytime, anywhere 

How to pay using 1Voucher

Step 1: Purchase 1Voucher at any of the above-mentioned retail stores. Once done you will receive an SMS with your 1Voucher Pin. 

Step 2: Add your item(s) to your cart and proceed to checkout. 

Step 3: Complete each step in order and click on "Confirm your order".

Step 4: Select "1Voucher" as your payment method.

Still unclear about how to use 1Voucher? Feel free to contact us.

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We've partnered with 1Voucher to make your paying experience safer and more convenient for you!

By Thabo peyi

July 18th 2024

5 min read

What is 1Voucher?

1Voucher is a payment method that allows you to make payments on the RSAWEB shop more easily, securely, and conveniently. 1Vouchers can be purchased at your nearest retailers, such as Shoprite, Checkers, Pep, Ackermans, and Incredible Connections, just to name a few, allowing you to make payments on the go.

Why use 1Voucher?

  1. Safe and secure payments 
  2. Easily available 
  3. Make payments anytime, anywhere 

How to pay using 1Voucher

Step 1: Purchase 1Voucher at any of the above-mentioned retail stores. Once done you will receive an SMS with your 1Voucher Pin. 

Step 2: Add your item(s) to your cart and proceed to checkout. 

Step 3: Complete each step in order and click on "Confirm your order".

Step 4: Select "1Voucher" as your payment method.

Still unclear about how to use 1Voucher? Feel free to contact us.

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